HackZon 2023

HackZon 2023

Ms. Srishty Jain

Ms. Srishty Jain

Founder and CEO, CoLLearn

Mr. Kunwar Vikas

Mr. Kunwar Vikas

Engineering lead, Google

Mrs. Pargavi Rajendran

Mrs. Pargavi Rajendran

Engineering manager, Blackhawk Network

Mr. Pranshu Rastogi

Mr. Pranshu Rastogi

VP of engineering, Push Protocol

Farooq chisty

Farooq chisty

Head of marketing and Growth, Solgames.fun

Ms. Srishty Jain

Founder and CEO, CoLLearn

Mr. Kunwar Vikas

Engineering lead, Google

Mrs. Pargavi Rajendran

Engineering manager, Blackhawk Network

Mr. Pranshu Rastogi

VP of engineering, Push Protocol

Farooq chisty

Head of marketing and Growth, Solgames.fun